Wednesday 5 December 2007

Rome, Rome, off to Rome!! Oh and TMA03

Oooh, only 3 more days (well 2 really as today is 3/4s over) and I fly to Rome. More worryingly that means only 56 hours till TMA03 is due in

I now have 1100 superb words on Roman writers attitudes to the games and the difference between those attitudes.
Unfortunately the word limit is 900, and I am frozen with fear over what to remove. Dont want to make the same mistake as TMA02, when I took out all the atmospheric stuff from Man Reading and cost myself 2 or 3 points.

But neither do I want to go that far over (not sure if tutor would even accept it 200 words over) and loose marks because of that.

Decisions, decisions .....

My part 1 is dull beyond belief, and I am not sure it is even that good. Must check how many marks I am going to lose for that one being crap ...

Still, ROME!!! How cool is that?
Just been shopping (well a girl has to doesn't she) to buy some bits including a new coat and endless teeny tiny travel sizes of toiletries. Don't know why really- I never use full size ones, so why do I feel the need to cart teeny ones half way across Europe?

Oh well, that's another question for another day

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