Sunday 30 December 2007

TMA03 result, TMA04 HELP

Got my TMA03 result back just before Christmas, Hmmmm, didnt do brilliantly. Dropped 13 marks on last paper- (well the philosophy bit was very easy wasnt it?) and so got 68%. I think that may still be a B but I am not sure.

Seems I slightly missed the point LOL

TMA04 is not going well either. For once I am under on words. 400 plus words on the what we can learn about Paris during the Terrors .... Well surely if the first part of my answer is right then very little as it is all speculation, inaccuracy and propoganda!!

Answers on a post card (or comments field please!!)

Thursday 13 December 2007

Back from Rome, a few pounds lighter, and TMA04

Well Rome was great
Apart from the pick pocket on the bus, who swiped my mum's purse from her bag and my purse from my sister's bag. DOH

Bloody nuisance as it had all my money, credit cards, debit cards, piccies of my son etc in it

Faith in human nature was somewhat restored when a lovely English girl who worked in a city centre hotel found my mum's purse (less money of course!) and looked her up on and phoned my Dad to say she had got it. Thus my mum got her library card, bus pass, license and 'stuff' back which was great

But Rome!! Well.. amazing. Colosseum is HUGE and very impressing, panatine hill, Forum, Pantheon are all great. Food was lovely, so I made up for loosing my money by gaining a few lbs!!!

Had my next tutorial last night, and feel I need to do some work on this. Got lots of reading to do, and need to start getting my head round extracting info from historical documents. Am I the only one, who cant spot a witting statement?!

Oh well, I am sure Rousseau and I will become firm friends before long :-)


Thursday 6 December 2007

Ready to submit

OK, have trimmed my 1100 plus words to 982, which is within the 10% my tutor allows (just)

Managed to get in most of what I wanted to say, but no bibliography. Hope that doesnt cost me marks.

Just getting the formatting and type face sorted and then I shall print it to hand deliver tomorrow afternoon.

Don't think this one will be a Pass 1, but will be happy with anything over say 70%

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Rome, Rome, off to Rome!! Oh and TMA03

Oooh, only 3 more days (well 2 really as today is 3/4s over) and I fly to Rome. More worryingly that means only 56 hours till TMA03 is due in

I now have 1100 superb words on Roman writers attitudes to the games and the difference between those attitudes.
Unfortunately the word limit is 900, and I am frozen with fear over what to remove. Dont want to make the same mistake as TMA02, when I took out all the atmospheric stuff from Man Reading and cost myself 2 or 3 points.

But neither do I want to go that far over (not sure if tutor would even accept it 200 words over) and loose marks because of that.

Decisions, decisions .....

My part 1 is dull beyond belief, and I am not sure it is even that good. Must check how many marks I am going to lose for that one being crap ...

Still, ROME!!! How cool is that?
Just been shopping (well a girl has to doesn't she) to buy some bits including a new coat and endless teeny tiny travel sizes of toiletries. Don't know why really- I never use full size ones, so why do I feel the need to cart teeny ones half way across Europe?

Oh well, that's another question for another day

Tuesday 4 December 2007

You know what someone should invent?

Someone (the generic, someone else do it at work here you note) should invent something that looks through your essay for you and highlights possible uneeded words.

You would of course have to look at each bit, but it could suggest shorter ways of saying things and save you hours on trimming words, when your paper is great, just 200 word to long

I wonder how hard it would be to write?

Woo hoo!!!

Well I guess I didn't need to worry.

Got a fantastic 81% for my TMA02 which I am pleased with

Music is just so hard, so 17/25 is ok for that. Sonnets were a stumbling block for me (dear dear February Afternoon by Edward Thomas, or Thomas Edwards I forget which now) so 20/25 is great for that

Was a bit disappointed in 19/25 for the Art section, as I thought I had well and truly nailed that -certainly better than the sonnet section I felt.

Philosophy was embarrassingly easy in the end, once I read it properly, and the 25/25 on that seems like money for old rope, but as it is money for me, from rope I didn't need I am not complaining!!