Thursday 13 December 2007

Back from Rome, a few pounds lighter, and TMA04

Well Rome was great
Apart from the pick pocket on the bus, who swiped my mum's purse from her bag and my purse from my sister's bag. DOH

Bloody nuisance as it had all my money, credit cards, debit cards, piccies of my son etc in it

Faith in human nature was somewhat restored when a lovely English girl who worked in a city centre hotel found my mum's purse (less money of course!) and looked her up on and phoned my Dad to say she had got it. Thus my mum got her library card, bus pass, license and 'stuff' back which was great

But Rome!! Well.. amazing. Colosseum is HUGE and very impressing, panatine hill, Forum, Pantheon are all great. Food was lovely, so I made up for loosing my money by gaining a few lbs!!!

Had my next tutorial last night, and feel I need to do some work on this. Got lots of reading to do, and need to start getting my head round extracting info from historical documents. Am I the only one, who cant spot a witting statement?!

Oh well, I am sure Rousseau and I will become firm friends before long :-)



Brennig said...

No, you're not the only one who can't spot a witting statement.

Anonymous said...

I think I know what he is trying to say, its the reading between the lines bit that I cannot do! Bare facts are fine but I'm discovering that actually I'm not as bright as I thought and I need a lot of pointing in the right direction - hence the internet research (if this is classed as research!) Anyway I hope TMA 04 is going well for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Brennig!! Glad it isnt just me. Will pop over and visit your blog later too :-) Jules xx

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous!!

Thanks for your comment. Dont worry mate, it isnt that you are not bright, its just this course. It is sending EVERYONR crazy !!